Available Programs
The YSS Prevention Services Department has access to a wide variety of Evidence Based Programming available for community organizations and schools*. As the Region 1 Prevention Lead Organization through the Bureau for Behavioral Health (BBH) and in adhering to the Strategic Prevention Framework, we utilize the WV BBH Clearinghouse to ensure the effectiveness of curriculum. The BBH Clearinghouse contains a collection of programming options to address a variety of needs. Additionally, it provides a “ranking” referencing the status of proven effectiveness correlating to specific programs. Programming provided by the YSS Prevention Services Department must meet a “Supported” (S) or “Well Supported” (WS) WV BBH ranking**. Requests can be made by contacting the YSS Prevention Services Department by E-mail: arichardson@ysswv.com.
More information about the BBH Clearinghouse as well as the search tool for ranked programs can be found here: https://clearinghouse.helpandhopewv.org/.
*Program availability is not guaranteed. Upon receipt of a program request, the YSS Prevention Services Department or its affiliates will provide information on status of program availability in a timely manner.
**Further explanation of the WV BBH Clearinghouse ranking system can be found here: https://clearinghouse.helpandhopewv.org/west-virginia-ratings/.