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Saving Lives Together: Celebrating the Success of Our Recent Blood Drive!

Posted: May 23, 2024, 8:03AM

Every year, staff member Tanya Duncan coordinates a blood drive in memory of her son, Logan, who passed away three years ago from Leukemia. The third annual Logans Legacy Blood Drive was held this year on May 9, 2024, at the Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS) central office building, Hazel Atlas.
The blood drive had 28 donors, which will help 84 recipients who need the blood. Tanya says there is a blood shortage in America right now, so it’s as important as ever to make it to a blood drive, even if you missed this one.
Tanya shares, “This blood drive is a way to keep my son’s memory alive. Even during his suffering, Logan always went out of his way to help comfort those around him.”
Tanya also holds an annual Toy Drive in the fall in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The purpose is to collect toys to be taken to the children in the chemotherapy unit at the hospital. Undergoing extensive cancer treatment can be such a hard time for the kids and their families, so the hope is to bring a little light and joy to the children and take away some of their pain.
To find the Red Cross blood drive donation schedule, visit this link to see the upcoming dates and locations in the area. For more information about blood drive donations and requirements, visit the Red Cross FAQ page linked here.